European Economic
and Social Committee
Launch of the EAPN 2024 Poverty Watch Report
On 8 April, the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) will launch its latest Poverty Watch Report, “Towards a systemic approach to social protection”, at an event co-organised by the EAPN and the EESC Civil Society Organisations' Group. It will take place at the EESC in Brussels.
Poverty has remained at considerable levels in Europe in recent years whilst progress towards meeting the EU’s 2030 poverty reduction targets remained limited. In this report, EAPN tries to highlight the need for significantly systemic efforts. Additionally, EAPN shares an update of the persistent poverty rates, in its various manifestations.
The absence of a systemic approach is evident throughout the various stages of the policy cycle of social rights instruments. Among the most salient issues, our 2024 Poverty Watch addresses:
- The limited involvement of those living in poverty and social exclusion—both during the design of social protection policies and assessment of their impact;
- Concerns about the coherence of social protection policies with the basic principles governing our democracies, as well as with other policies;
- The coverage and financing of social protection schemes;
- The growing number of challenges that hinder their protective function, such as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, climate change, ageing societies, war, and the shrinking of democracies worldwide.
This is an in-person event that will be webstreamed.
Prior registration is required. Please registered by 31 March at:
We will have interpretation in English, Spanish and French. For questions or concerns, please contact EAPN at kahina(dot)rabahi(at)eapn(dot)eu or visit the EAPN website at:
The European Poverty Watch report is a compilation of data and analysis from EAPN’s member bottom-up research national reports. It is an evidence-based report on the current trends and policies on poverty and social exclusion in Europe with concrete recommendations on EAPN’s priority matters. Every year, this exercise, as our key advocacy tool, describes poverty as a multidimensional concept at the top of the political agenda, addresses the root causes of poverty, and amplifies the voices of people experiencing poverty both at national and regional levels.