08:30  Registration of participants

09:00  Opening session - EU accession path for the Western Balkans: focus on fundamentals

Moderator: Neža Repanšek, EESC member

  • Oliver Röpke, President of the EESC
  • Tanja Fajon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia
  • Olivér Várhelyi, Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement (video message)
  • Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council


10:30  Coffee break and press conference

11:00  EU accession path for the Western Balkans: reforms needed to ensure a successful next enlargement

Moderator: Neža Repanšek, EESC member

  • Luka Mesec, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of Slovenia 
  • Miodrag Milosavljević, Deputy Director of Open Society Foundations (OSF) – Western Balkans
  • Krisela Hackaj, Executive Director, Cooperation & Development Institute (CDI)
  • Strahinja Subotić, Programme Manager for the Our Europe programme area, European Policy Centre (CEP), Belgrade, Serbia 


13:00   Lunch

14:30   Contribution of organised civil society to the implementation of the new growth plan for the Western Balkans

14:30   Session I: Lessons learned from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF)

Moderator: Ionuţ Sibian, Vice-President of the EESC's Western Balkans Follow-up Committee

  • Marjan Trobiš, President of the Association of Employers of Slovenia
  • Elena-Alexandra Calistru, EESC member: EESC opinion on Mid-term evaluation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility
  • Christophe Quarez, EESC member
  • Vladislava Gubalova, Senior Fellow, Centre for Global Europe, GLOBSEC


15:30   Session II: Accelerating the socio-economic convergence of the region with the EU

Moderator: Dragica Martinović Džamonja, Vice-President of the EESC's Western Balkans Follow-up Committee

  • Saška Kumer, Vice President, Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia, and chair of the Regional Trade Union Council Solidarnost
  • Zdravko Ilić, Senior Technical Expert, Central European Free Trade Association (CEFTA) Secretariat
  • Marija Ašković Matić, Project Manager, Permanent Secretariat of the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF)
  • Branimir Jovanović, economist, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)
  • Dragana Đurica, Secretary General, European Movement Serbia


16:30   Coffee break

17:00   Contribution of civil society to EU accession path for the Western Balkans:

Conclusions on the implementation of the new growth plan for the Western Balkans


17:30   Summary of main messages and closing remarks

Chair: Andrej Zorko, President of the EESC's Western Balkans Follow-up Committee
