10:00 - Introduction

10:10 - European Commission 2024-2029 roadmap

  • Isabelle Perignon, Director, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers – Digital Transformation, Justice and Consumers (JUST.B), European Commission

10:30 - The consumption and environment dynamic at the European Parliament: review and outlook

  • Sandro Gozi, Member of the European Parliament, member of the Renaissance list, Renew Europe Group

10:50 - The expectations of the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC)

  • AgustĂ­n Reyna, Director General, BEUC

11:10 - The expectations of the environmental sector

  • Ester Asin Martinez, Director, European Policy Office, Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)

11:30 - Discussion

12:00 - End of the public part