Competitiveness and convergence: Can we ensure them both? How civil society can contribute?"

Competitiveness and convergence: Can we ensure them both?  How civil society can contribute?"

Convergence and competitiveness are key for the next EC mandate. Convergence via cohesion policy is developing constantly. Europe must become highly competitive compared to its counterparts and cohesion policy can help towards this direction. Civil society can be a catalyst in these twin challenges. Chambers, SMEs, businesses, universities, unions and NGOs need to make the transition and become more competitive, effective and productive. They will help the European economy and help eliminate economic and social disparities.

The goal of the workshop is to explore the best practices from the different levels of business sectors and examine how competitiveness and convergence can coexist.

The participation is in person and free of charge.

Languages: EN/FR/IT to EN/FR