Boosting long-term inclusive growth through reforms and investment

This public hearing is being organised as part of the preparation of the exploratory opinion ECO/630 on "Boosting long-term inclusive growth through reforms and investment" requested by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU. It focuses on how to foster upwards social convergence and cohesion, in an economic governance framework defined around debt sustainability, productive investments and reforms. It also looks at the implications of such a framework for the European Semester and the strengthening of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

As part of the review of the EU's economic governance framework, the issue is to obtain greater flexibility in debt adjustment while ensuring that more reforms and investments are carried out. But what types of investment should be included? Are social investments also included? What do they cover? What are the incentives for companies? It is therefore a question of proposing to implement well-designed investments and social reforms that bring both social and economic benefits, and also of understanding what the cost of a "non-social policy" would be. Today's debt and its future returns must be taken into account.

The hearing is accessible via webstream. No registration is needed.

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