8th Meeting of the EU-AFRICA Economic and Social Stakeholders' Network

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organises regular consultations of the European Union‑Africa Economic and Social Stakeholders' Network, which gathers representatives of organised civil society (employers and chambers of commerce, employees and trade unions, cooperatives, farmers' organisations, consumers' organisations, NGOs, etc.) from both continents.

The 8th meeting of the EU-Africa Economic and Social Stakeholders' Network will take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 28-29 June 2023, at EESC premises, with the participation of African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (AU ECOSOCC).

This edition, entitled The AU-EU Partnership for a Sustainable Future, will focus on the following topics:

  • Involvement of economic and social partners in the post-Cotonou agreement
  • EU financing instruments for external action: Mid-term review
  • Water and nutrition: the Zero Hunger objective and water sustainability
  • Critical raw materials: a mutually beneficial partnership for sustainable development

A political declaration will be adopted by the network as a result of this event.


Final Declaration_8th meeting of Africa-EU Economic and Social Stakeholders' Network
Declaration finale_Reseau des acteurs Ă©conomiques et sociaux Afrique-UE
Declaracao Final_Rede dos Atores Economicos e Sociais UE-Africa
Declaracion final_Red de agentes economicos y sociales Africa-UE