The 10th meeting of the EU Domestic Advisory Group (DAG) under the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)

The 10th meeting of the EU Domestic Advisory Group (DAG) under the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), and second meeting of the new 2023-25 term, took place on 9 January, 2024.

On the agenda:

  1. EU-Japan relations with Marco Bonetti, EEAS
  2. Updates from the European Commission:
    - Trade statistics under the EPA, Beatriz Mendez Aller, DG TRADE
    EU-Japan Green alliance, Nicolas Ardito, DG CLIMA
    - The implementation of the TSD Chapter of the EPA and information on the 2024 Joint Dialogue with civil society, Benedikt Madl DG TRADE
  3. Preparation of the Joint Dialogue with civil society and workshop
  4. State-of-play on desk study: "A scoping study to encourage industries to prepare business for mandatory human rights and evironmental due diligence".