Towards a Digital Transformation that leaves no one behind 

Webstreaming 06/62  .  Back to Agenda

Draft programme

9:30 – 9:40: Welcome and introduction of the panellists by Elisa Lironi, European Democracy Programme Director, ECAS

  • Sotiria Tsalamani, EVBB
  • Vesna Bajšanski-Agić, TechSoup and Philea
  • Sandra Parthie, EESC INT Section

9:40 – 9:55: Presentation of the Digital Inclusion Guidelines by Elisa Lironi, ECAS

Panel discussion

9:55 – 10:15: AI-Powered Digital Transformation in Lifelong Learning: Navigating the Future of Skill Development by Sotiria Tsalamani, EVBB 

  • Audience Q&A  

10:15 – 10:35: Digital Transformation of the CSOs to Increase Resilience and Efficiency by Vesna Bajšanski-Agić, TechSoup and Philea 

  • Audience Q&A 

10:35 – 10:55: AI made in Europe -attracting investments, developing product by Sandra Parthie, EESC INT Section

  • Audience Q&A 

10:55 – 11:00: Conclusions

Concept Note

As the leader of the Digital Transformation Cluster of the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe, a flagship initiative of Civil Society Europe, ECAS has collected input from approximately 1200 CSOs across the EU to set up the civil society agenda on digital transformation and develop digital inclusion guidelines for EU policymakers across key domains: Digital education, Digital democracy, Digital rights, Digital safeguards and Digital economy.  

This workshop will present the comprehensive inclusion guidelines resulting from these consultations and discuss with experts how to practically implement some of them to ensure a smooth digital transition that includes all parts of society. EVBB will explain how to advance Digital education through active participation and civic engagement and showcase peer learning cases involving organisations from the EU, Africa and Asia. Philea and TechSoup will share resources and approaches that can increase CSOs resilience and efficiency in serving the public good and those who are left behind in the digital era.  

The workshop will engage the participants in a co-creation exercise by seeking input and insights to enrich the digital inclusion guidelines and support the development of an advocacy action plan aligned with the EU's digital targets for 2030. The resulting advocacy plan will play a crucial role in disseminating and promoting civil society recommendations at EU level, especially by the new Commission, the elected MEPs and other institutions and EU consultative bodies.

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