EESC side events

Tuesday 5 December 2023
10:00-11:00 (CET) / 13:00-14:00 (GST)

Fostering the climate and food convergence in COP negotiations – the role of governance and finance

As the nexus between agri-food systems and climate is becoming more and more important, the side event aims to discuss ways to foster the convergence of the climate and food agendas, highlighting in particular the role of governance and finance. A panel of experts and civil society actors will be invited to address the following questions: What governance framework is needed to promote policy coherence and integration of the climate and food agendas? How to democratise food systems and ensure a rights-based approach vs concentration of power and interests across the food chain? How to promote a just transition? How is public/private finance defining the global and local climate/food agenda? How to ensure that climate finance to agriculture and food systems goes in the right direction and does not feed unsustainable agri-food chains and financial speculation instead? The event will also be an opportunity for the EESC to present its contribution to COP 28, including concrete recommendations on these topics.

Where: Live from Brussels | EU Pavilion (European Union side events)
Organised by: European Economic and Social Committee
Programme | ► Recording available

Friday 8 December 2023
13:30-14:20 (CET) / 16:30-17:20 (GST)

Walking the talk on just transition and social dialogue:
experiences and initiatives

A Just Transition means greening the economy in a way that is as fair and inclusive as possible to everyone concerned, creating decent work opportunities and leaving no one behind. Ensuring a just transition is essential for all countries at all levels of development but there is no one-size-fits-all approach: policies and programs need to be designed in line with the conditions in each country, including its stage of development, the range of economic sectors, and the types and sizes of its enterprises, paying particular attention to micro and small and medium-sized enterprises. 

This side event aims to bring together civil society organisations with policymakers, presenting concrete examples of just transition initiatives with social dialogue to reflect on strengths, challenges and potential to scale up existing actions.

Where: Live from Dubai | Just Transition Pavilion
Organised by: European Economic and Social Committee
Programme | ► Watch online

Saturday 9 December 2023
10:15-11:45 (CET) / 13:15-14:45 (GST)

Beyond Growth: Sufficiency for a sustainable and equitable future

Overconsumption must be addressed for the preservation of people and the planet. Sufficiency is vital to tackle climate change and inequitable resource use. The event focuses on implications in governance, social justice and culture to foster sustainable and equitable policies for human well-being.

Where: Live from Dubai | UNFCCC Pavilion (SE Room)
Organised by: European Economic and Social Committee, European Youth Forum and Generation Climate Europe
Programme | ► Watch online | Interact via Slido

Sunday 10 December 2023
08:00-09:00 (CET) / 11:00-12:00 (GST)

Accelerating the financing of the circular economy in climate and biodiversity strategies

The circular economy offers solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss at the source. It's time to mobilise financing to accelerate the circular economy. While sustainable tools like green bonds and impact investing can support circularity, unlocking the circular economy's financing potential remains a challenge. Collaboration between the circular community, policy-makers and financial institutions is vital for progress in financing the circular transition, especially as perceptions of risks persist. 

Where: Live from Dubai | EU Pavilion (European Union side events)
Organised by: European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), DG ENV, DG CLIMA (European Commission) and the Coordination Group members of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
Programme | ► Register to watch online