
  • ЕС трябва да намали стратегическите си зависимости в чувствителни сектори като здравеопазването и критичните технологии, за да се даде възможност на нарастващия брой пациенти в цяла Европа да използват ядрената медицина за диагностициране и лечение на рака.

  • Месец преди изборите за Европейски парламент Европейският икономически и социален комитет (ЕИСК) предупреждава европейските органи за спешната необходимост от борба с дезинформацията, за да се опази демокрацията. Качествената и независима журналистика в една процъфтяваща плуралистична система е първата защитна стена срещу злонамерени кампании и фалшиви новини.

  • On 9 May, President Röpke celebrated Europe Day in Madrid at an event on "The future of the EU social agenda". Organised by the Spanish Minister of Labour and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, the event gathered many prominent speakers. In his intervention, President Röpke underlined that social dialogue is a cornerstone of our European social model and democratic values. 

  • The EESC has adopted an opinion on the new Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans, at the Commission's request. The plan will support the Western Balkans to speed up regional economic cooperation. This is the first time the EU has focused on economic development and socioeconomic convergence in the region.

  • Strengthening ties between young people and youth organisations in the European Union and the United Kingdom will have tangible positive effects on a generation of Europeans disproportionately affected by the consequences of Brexit, according to the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

  • The EESC April 2024 plenary

    Stakeholders want systematic consultation as a driver of growth-led approaches

    Strengthening national ownership requires both the close involvement of national parliaments, regional and local authorities, the social partners and civil society, and clearer provisions in EU and national procedures. Together, this will ensure that the new EU economic governance framework and the future European Semester are implemented as effectively as possible. It will also guarantee transparent and inclusive policy making.

  • Amid an unprecedented surge in illicit drugs available on European streets, the EESC is asking for strategic action to strengthen Europe’s response to drug trafficking


  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) believes that in the heartlands of Europe lie the seeds of its future prosperity. In an own initiative opinion adopted at its April plenary, it underscores its steadfast commitment to nurturing rural communities and reaffirms its dedication to the long-term vision for the EU's rural areas (LTVRA).  The EESC proposes a European charter of rights and responsibilities as a step toward a comprehensive EU rural strategy.

  • On Europe Day, 9 May, the EU celebrates its achievements of unity and long-term peace, commemorating the signing of the Schuman Declaration in 1950. A month ahead of the European elections (from 6 to 9 June), citizens will have the opportunity to visit the EU institutions in Brussels and beyond, learning more about what Europe does for and with them. Citizens will be invited to participate in debates, live performances, games and other activities.