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  • U izradi (updated on 15/03/2024) - Bureau decision date: 18/01/2024
    Referentni dokument
    Workers - GR II
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    Public Procurement was better framed in successive EU regulations and, with a view to more accessible and transparent access to it, the procedures were formulated in a more supportive manner. Its importance will continue to increase, both at a national level in the Member States and at a more local level.

    Several challenges remain Particularly at the national level, the size and volume play to the advantage of larger companies that can rely on experience and expertise when drawing up files. At a more local level, there are opportunities for MSMEs and, even more specifically, for companies in the social economy. These opportunities require active attention and guidance from both the requesting and offering parties.

  • Usvojeno on 17/01/2024 - Bureau decision date: 11/07/2023
    Referentni dokument
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    The Belgian presidency asked the EESC to provide an opinion on how to tackle poverty through social innovation and the development of the social economy. The fight against poverty and social exclusion must take into account the numerous dimensions of the concept of poverty that affect access to employment, education, healthcare, housing, food, mobility, digital tools, energy and culture, among other things. A cross-cutting approach to poverty is therefore essential in order to ensure social inclusion. Even though all economic actors are involved in the fight against poverty, it is up to the state to exercise its full responsibility in this area. The social economy contributes to this fight in an organic and cross-cutting way, through its diverse activities and social orientation.

    Download — EESC opinion: Combatting poverty and social exclusion: harnessing the power of the social economy and socio-economic innovations
    EESC opinion
  • Usvojeno on 13/12/2023 - Bureau decision date: 25/01/2023
    Referentni dokument
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    One of the main conclusions of the 8th Cohesion Report is that although cohesion and convergence among regions in the European Union has improved, there are still remaining gaps especially in less developed regions related with their territorial characteristics. EU islands, mountain areas and sparsely populated areas still face many challenges on their growth and income and disparities exist.

    In these regions, there are still a lot of gaps in terms of employment and investment, social exclusion is evident and gender disparities have not diminished.

    Download — EESC opinion: Main challenges faced by EU islands, and mountainous and sparsely populated areas
  • Usvojeno on 14/06/2023 - Bureau decision date: 23/01/2023
    Referentni dokument
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    The movement of skilled workers out of regions already suffering from lower economic development may further undermine the growth and development potential of these regions. Such a "brain drain" from vulnerable EU regions therefore may contribute to widening territorial disparities, going against the objective of territorial cohesion set out in Article 174 TFEU. Given the cross-border impact of such developments the Commission considers that action at EU level is necessary.

    Download — EESC opinion: Harnessing talents in EU regions
  • Usvojeno on 18/05/2022 - Bureau decision date: 07/12/2021
    Referentni dokument
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    The EESC:

    Download — EESC opinion: Action plan for the social economy
  • Usvojeno on 19/01/2022 - Bureau decision date: 23/09/2021
    Referentni dokument
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Employers - GR I
    Download — EESC opinion: Innovative financial instruments as part of the development of social impact companies
  • Usvojeno on 09/06/2021 - Bureau decision date: 20/02/2020
    Referentni dokument

    In its own-initiative opinion, the EESC examines the extent to which existing EU company law currently serves as an "expedient" for the politically-desirable Green Deal and which gaps still need to be closed, in particular regarding corporate social responsibility obligations. The opinion aims at following-up on the European Commission's initiative on due diligence and broadening the debate on sustainable corporate governance interlinking the social, environmental and economic dimensions.

    Download — EESC opinion: No Green Deal without a Social Deal
  • Usvojeno on 27/04/2021 - Bureau decision date: 28/10/2020
    Referentni dokument
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Workers - GR II

    Social economy is a key and a growing contributor to the European economy and the job creation.

    This exploratory opinion has been requested by the Portuguese presidency of the Council. Social economy represents a key and a growing contributor to the European economy and the job creation. It has a positive impact on working conditions and the enlargement of the labour market. Social economy has a pivotal role to play in the future Action plan for the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights by promoting social inclusion and a better access to the labour market.  

    Download — EESC opinion: The role of social economy in the creation of jobs and in the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights
  • Usvojeno on 15/07/2020 - Bureau decision date: 09/06/2020
    Referentni dokument

    The EESC strongly supports the Commission's proposal – Next Generation EU – as a specific tool for a quick and effective recovery.

    The EESC takes a very positive view of the Commission's two main decisions:

    1. to introduce an extraordinary financial recovery instrument as part of the multiannual financial framework
    2. to raise common debt, which will be repaid over a long period of time, and prevent the extraordinary financial burden from falling directly on the Member States in the short run.

    The EESC strongly welcomes the fact that the newly proposed instrument should be closely coordinated with the European Semester process, and furthermore welcomes the Commission's proposal to introduce additional genuine own resources based on different taxes (revenues from the EU Emissions Trading System, digital taxation, large companies' revenues).

    Download — EESC opinion: Recovery plan for Europe and the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027
  • Usvojeno on 17/07/2019 - Bureau decision date: 13/12/2018
    Referentni dokument
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    The EESC believes that the practical applications of blockchain technologies can significantly improve the performance of social economy organisations, benefiting them, their members and, above all, their end users. Besides, the EESC believes that real involvement of social economy and civil society organisations is imperative to ensure that the huge opportunities offered by the new technologies are geared towards delivering benefits, access, transparency and participation for all, and not just for a new "digital economy elite".

    Download — EESC opinion: Blockchain and distributed ledger technology as an ideal infrastructure for Social Economy (Own-initiative opinion)