Moderator: Regine Roncucci, Secretariat of the European Parliament Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development"

14:30 – 14:35: Welcome

  • Pietro Francesco de Lotto, President, Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI), European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

14:35 - 14:50: Opening

  • Oliver Röpke, President, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
  • Pernille Weiss, MEP, Member of the ITRE and ENVI Committees
  • Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, United Nations (remote)

14:50- 15:00: Keynote speech

  • Eric Divet, Director in charge of water resources, Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (CNR).

15:00 - 16:00: Panel discussion

"How to implement sustainable water management as a pillar of the new European water strategy? The EU Blue Deal initiative at river level"


  • Claudia Olazabal, Head of Unit of Sustainable Freshwater Management, DG ENV, European Commission
  • André Viola, Member of the Committee of the Regions (CoR), Member of the Departmental Council of Aude (France) and President of Réseau Solidarité Eau 11
  • Chris Baker, Director, Wetlands International Europe
  • Durk Krol, Executive Director, Water Europe
  • Florian Marin, EESC Member, Rapporteur of the umbrella opinion "A call for an EU Blue Deal"

16.00 - 16.20: Exchange of views

with the Members and Delegates of the EESC's Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI), MEPs and stakeholders

16:20 - 16:30: Comment by   

  • Erik Orsenna, Chairman of Initiative for the Future of Great Rivers (IFGR)

16:30 - 16:45: Closing remarks

  • Tiemo Wölken, MEP, Co-chair of "Water Management" Working Group, European Parliament Intergroup on "Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development" (remote)
  • Pietro Francesco de Lotto, President, Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI), European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

Interpretation provided from BG/ES/CS/DE/EL/EN/FR/HR/IT/PL/SK into BG/ES/DE/EL/EN/FR/IT/PL/SK

(in presence only)