Strengthening Consumer Information Requirements in the EU


When it comes to buying products, consumers are more and more aware of environmental and social issues. This is why it is important to have information on the origin and distribution of products.

Especially when buying online, consumers are often concerned about the lack of accessible information on the processes involved in obtaining, producing, transforming, and marketing products.

The own-initiative opinion will look into how existing early warning systems for managing food risks and product safety could serve as a framework for implementing mechanisms to analyse and manage the socio-environmental traceability of products.

By addressing environmental, labour, ethical, and social concerns, this approach may help identify and remove from the market products that do not comply with current legislation.


Key points


  • suggests that accessible, readable and understandable information should be made available to all people, especially those with disabilities, and when it comes to goods and services from third countries. However, this should not create unnecessary red tape for small and medium-sized enterprises;
  • considers that the EU consumer rights acquis is perceived as complicated and fragmented, especially difficult for small businesses to comply with. The EU consumer rules should be simplified and streamlined in order to make it easier for businesses to comply with and consumers to be aware of their rights;
  • is concerned about the actions of providers of online platform services and search engines with regard to consumers’ right to information, and the obligation to apply reasonable, proportionate and effective measures to reduce systemic risks and illegal content, in particular to protect minors. In this regard, the EESC calls for equality between EU and non-EU operators when it comes to compliance along the entire value chain.

Additional information

Section: Single Market, Production and Consumption (INT)

Opinion number: INT/1057

Opinion type: Own-initiative

Rapporteur: Bernardo Hernández Bataller (Group III - Spain)

Date of adoption by section: 26 June 2024

Result of the vote: 69 in favour, 5 against, 7 abstentions

Date of adoption in plenary: 18-19 September 2024

Result of the vote: XXX in favour, X against, X abstentions



Marco Pezzani

Press Officer

Tel.: +32 2 546 9793 | Mob: +32 470 881 903



Yousra Asbouni El Ouahabi


Tel.: +32 546 8485



Silvia Staffa


Tel.: +32 546 8378
