
09:00 – 09:30 | Welcome coffee

09:30 | Welcome by Violeta Jelić, Chair of the Ad hoc Group on the European Citizens´ Initiative, European Economic and Social Committee

09:30 - 10:45 | High-level session – Strengthening Democracy through Cohesion and Participation: The Role of the European Citizens’ Initiative in Combating Polarisation (JDE 62)

Political and social polarisation – increasingly present in both the European and global political landscape – poses a significant threat to the stability of democratic systems. At the same time, it is democracy itself that offers a possible solution. That solution is participation, making one’s voice heard and listened to, encouraging co-creation rather than polarisation and division.

More than a decade ago, the Lisbon Treaty laid the foundations for greater involvement of EU citizens in European policymaking and introduced the European Citizens’ Initiative. This innovative instrument for participatory democracy aims to involve citizens in political agenda-setting at EU level by providing them with an indirect form of the right of legislative initiative. 

The recent start of the new EU institutional cycle offers an excellent opportunity to share and discuss the objectives and plans of the EU institutions regarding the European Citizens’ Initiative and its further development, as a way of encouraging EU citizens to play a meaningful part in the democratic process and thus increase cohesion and combat polarisation. 

Moderated by Bruno Kaufmann


  • Aurel Laurenţiu Plosceanu, Vice-President of the European Economic and Social Committee
  • Nicolae Ștefănuță, Vice-President of the European Parliament
  • Maroš Šefčovič, Commissioner for Trade and Economic Security, Interinstitutional Relations and Transparency (video message)
  • Marek Krawczyk, Vice Minister for Civil Society of Poland, Polish Presidency of the EU
  • Teresa Anjinho, European Ombudsman
  • Daniela Vancic, Democracy International

 Q&A round

10:45 – 11:15 | Coffee break (Foyer 6)

11:15 – 12:30 | Session – Empowering the European Citizens’ Initiative: Strengthening Support across Member States (JDE 62)

The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) is a transnational instrument for participatory democracy, involving EU citizens in setting the EU policy agenda. Nevertheless, organising an initiative and successfully collecting signatures requires working on the ground, i.e. running the campaign and reaching thresholds across Member States. Hence, the practical part is carried out not at EU level but at national, regional and local level.

While at EU level the ECI mechanism benefits from institutional structure and support, this session will look more closely at what support is provided – or could be provided – to ECI stakeholders at different levels within Member States. What support can ECI organisers currently rely on? And what role is played by national, regional and local stakeholders, such as local and regional authorities, national economic and social committees, civil society organisations and the media? 

Moderated by Bruno Kaufmann

Setting the scene by organisers of ongoing European Citizens´ Initiatives:

  • Lana Čop – My Voice, My Choice
  • Mattéo Garguilo – Ban on conversion practices

  • Natalia Corbalán – No Farmers, No Food

  • Pavel Zálešák – Stop Destroying Videogames

  • Arianna Giuliodori – Stop Fake Food

  • Sabrina Cajoly – Water-smart and resilient Europe

  • Armel Prieur – Air-Quotas

  • Flavio Candeli – PsychedeliCare

  • Olaf Grawert – HouseEurope!  


  • Adriana Mungiu, ECI team leader, Secretariat-General of the European Commission
  • Bogomil Nikolov, Vice-President of The Economic and Social Council of the Republic of Bulgaria
  • Stéphanie Poppe, City of Rennes / Rennes Metropole, ECI on Ensuring a dignified reception of migrants in Europe

Q&A round

12:30 – 13:30 | Lunch (Atrium 5)

14:00 – 15:00 | Workshop – Empowering Voices: the Role of Civil Society Organisations in the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) (Atrium 6)

(Organised by the European Citizen Action Service)

This interactive workshop explores how civil society organisations (CSOs) can effectively engage in the ECI process to amplify citizens’ voices in policymaking. Participants will gain an understanding of the ECI framework, learn from successful CSO-led campaigns and collaborate on strategies to overcome challenges and maximise impact. Through group discussions and interactive activities, attendees will leave with practical tools and actionable insights to drive meaningful change through the ECI. The session fosters collaboration and equips CSOs to play a pivotal role in European democracy.

Moderated by Vasiliki Mustakis

  • Benjamin De Moor, European Youth Forum
  • Attila Dabis, Successful ECI on Cohesion policy
  • Sebastian Rodriguez, European Movement International

15:15 – 16:15 | Workshop – World Café Meet & Greet (Atrium 6)

(Organised by Democracy International)

This interactive workshop fosters peer-to-peer exchange by connecting successful and previous ECI organisers with current and future organisers. The Meet & Greet will cover campaign areas such as fundraising, community building and communication. The interactive and open format will allow current, previous and future organisers to find out about best practices and lessons learned for their own campaign. In turn, organisers will be brought together to foster a community around the ECI. The workshop will end with participation in a short EU feedback survey.

Moderated by Daniela Vancic

16:15-16:45 | Coffee Break

16:45– 17:45 | Workshop – An Impact Strategy for ECIs (JDE 62)

(Organised by The ECI Campaign)

This interactive workshop focuses on the essential role of impact strategies in enhancing the effectiveness of democratic innovations such as ECIs and randomly selected Citizens’ Panels. Over the past 12 years, only two successful ECIs have been partially implemented in relation to their secondary objectives.

Similarly, stakeholders increasingly recognise that the direct legislative influence of Citizens’ Panels on EU decision-making is still (too) limited, highlighting the urgent need to develop better strategies to maximise their impact.

In this session, participants will explore how to effectively engage with policymakers and increase the likelihood of legislative follow-up within the EU institutions. The workshop will cover strategic communication, overcoming institutional barriers and designing effective campaign plans, all aimed at strengthening the instruments of participatory democracy in Europe. This workshop is ideal for activists, policymakers and civil society organisations who want to improve the success rate of participatory democracy tools.

Moderated by Carsten Berg


  • David Knight, Policy assisstant, Cabinet of Comissioner Maroš Šefčovič
  • Koen Roovers, Inquiries officer, Office of the European Ombudsman
  • Thomas Hieber, Legal expert and academic
  • Fabian Pescher, Policy assisstant, Team of EP Vice-President Katarina Barley

17:45 – 18:00 | Conclusions by ECI Day 2025 moderator Bruno Kaufmann and Violeta Jelić, Chair of the EESC's Ad hoc Group on the European Citizens' Initiative

18:00 – 19:00 | Networking event (Atrium 5)