Conference on Radioactive Waste Management : A Civil Society Perspective

The European Economic and Social Committee and the European Commission (DG Research & Innovation) jointly organise the conference "Radioactive Waste Management: A Civil Society Perspective" on 17 October 2024 from 9:30 to 17:30, in Brussels. Webstreaming will also be provided.

All EU Member States have generated and continue to generate radioactive waste from power generation, as well as from industrial, agricultural, medical, and research activities, and through the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. The safe and responsible management of spent fuel and radioactive waste is a crucial prerequisite for any nuclear activity and is a responsibility of each Member State.

The conference will bring together representatives from EU institutions, civil society, national and local actors to explore the diverse roles of scientific research and technological innovation in safely managing radioactive waste. It will underline the importance of broad participation, involvement, and interaction of civil society in public decision-making regarding radioactive waste management. It is important to better understand and effectively address societal expectations, needs, and concerns regarding radioactive waste management, particularly at local, regional, and national levels, drawing from past and ongoing experiences in the field.

The full programme and registration details will be available in September.

Interpretation will be provided from/into English, French and German. 


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