Statement by EESC President on the results of the European Parliament elections 2024

"The European Parliament elections came at a critical time for Europe and for our democracy. European citizens have spoken. While the pro-democratic majority in the European Parliament remains overwhelming, the rise of the far right and Eurosceptic forces is deeply worrying.

This should be a wake-up call for the EU leaders. I call upon the democratic forces to take the responsibility, work together, show a clear commitment to a strong Europe, and appoint a new Commission that is determined to take on the key challenges ahead. We cannot make concessions to the far right or to forces that wish to dismantle the EU. Most importantly, we cannot compromise on our values: the rule of law, fundamental rights, and civil and social dialogue.

For its part, the EESC has played its role ahead of the elections by successfully participating in activities and taking initiatives to boost voter turnout, with particular focus on youth and first time voters. Among others, we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the European Parliament and organised, for the first time ever, a Civil Society Week. Additionally, EESC Members held more than 100 elections-related events in EU capitals and at regional level in at least 22 Member States. I would like to thank all of our Members for your efforts and commitment to promoting a more democratic, united and stronger Europe. 

Now, we need to redouble our efforts, as it is more important than ever to tackle the great challenges - a strong economy that works for all,  social justice, and the green transition - and to start addressing the real concerns of the people. The EESC will remain a strong and reliable partner on this European path."

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