5th Policy learning forum on Upskilling pathways: a vision for the future

CEDEFOP and the EESC are jointly organizing the "Fifth Policy learning forum on Upskilling pathways: a vision for the future". This is part of a series of interactive events on the topic of upskilling, reskilling and lifelong skill development, which have been organised since 2018.

The Forum is organised in a context where all adults, regardless of their socio-economic background, labour market status and qualifications deserve the opportunity to constantly update and acquire new skills to keep up with rapidly changing work realities, manage ever more frequent transitions in the labour market and to thrive in their personal lives and career. Having a workforce with the right skills is important for long-term sustainable growth and competitiveness. It will also ensure that the green and digital transitions are socially fair and just for everyone and that none is left behind.

The PLF is a platform for representatives from countries, social partners and civil society organisations to share their experiences, explore common challenges and discuss a range of ways forward.

The event will last for 1,5 days and will contain plenary sessions with panel discussions and presentations, as well as highly interactive work in smaller groups and roundtables.

Participation is by invitation only.

To look at CEDEFOP's web page on this event, please click here.



Concept note