Application form for youth organisations to take part in the ‘EU Youth Test’ at the EESC

Thank you for your interest in taking part in the ‘EU Youth Test’ at the EESC.


1. What is this application for?

By filling out this application, a youth organisation is applying to be informed of new opinions within a given section of the EESC, and of potentially representing young people's perspectives throughout all the steps of drafting a selected opinion at the EESC. Before filling out this form, please read carefully the 'EU Youth Test' at the EESC web page where all details about the 'EU Youth Test' at the EESC are outlined.


2. Criteria

In order to be eligible, each applying organisation must adhere to the following criteria:

  • be a non-governmental and not-for-profit organisation;
  • have a legal Identity;
  • be democratically set up and accept the principles of the European Convention of Human Rights;
  • have structured activities run entirely by young people and/or have a decision-making body led by young people;
  • be independent and not be subject to direction in their decisions by any external authority; and
  • not be a subsidiary of, or organisationally dependent on, a for-profit organisation.

In order to be eligible, each applying organisation must ALSO adhere to at least one the following criteria at the relevant level:

  • National level: be the national coordination body of non-governmental youth organisations (national youth council).
  • European level: have young members in at least six EU Member States or, under special circumstances based on their relevance to the work of the EESC, have a positive recommendation from an EESC member or member of staff.
  • Global level: have a stake in EU policies, young members in EU Member States or at least one office in an EU Member State.

Click here to apply!


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