Vote for a united, democratic, competitive, sustainable and social European Union


RESOLUTION - Rapporteurs :  Christa SCHWENG (Group I), Cinzia DEL RIO (Group II), Ioannis VARDAKASTANIS (Group III)

Legal basis: Rule 52(4) of the Rules of Procedure Resolution

Adopted at plenary: 20/3/2024

Plenary session No: 586

Outcome of vote (for/against/abstentions): 139/00/05

On the eve of the elections to the European Parliament, we, the European Economic and Social Committee, representing civil society organisations, call on you, EU citizens, to use your democratic right to vote.

The European Parliament is the only directly elected EU body, and co-decides the laws and the budget of the European Union. It also jointly appoints European Commissioners.

When going to vote in June, you, as EU citizens, have the opportunity to elect the members of the European Parliament and vote for stronger European integration.

The European Union is a story of success.

We have gone through difficult times, but no-one can deny that the European Union has guaranteed peace, democracy, economic prosperity and social progress for its Member States and citizens.

Thanks to the Union, we have the freedom to work, study and do business in all EU countries.

However, we still face challenges. Our most pressing concerns are the rising cost of living and inflation, the wars on our doorstep, migration, the climate emergency, and the shrinking civic space.

No EU country can cope with these challenges alone. Nationalism, populism and single-state solutions are not the answer. Collaboration, cooperation and convergence are.

Only through a united, democratic, competitive, sustainable and social European Union can we make real progress on these issues, and reverse the inequalities and disparities within and among countries.

The EU is founded on the common values of democracy, protection of human rights, freedom of expression, the rule of law, tolerance, justice, non-discrimination, equality, solidarity, and democratic participation. These values need to be continuously strengthened, defended and protected. Poverty and social exclusion must be prevented at all costs.

We have learned that peace is enduring only in economies and societies characterised by territorial and social cohesion, respect for fundamental rights and the rule of law, and by high standards of social justice. Therefore, the EU must be an influential global player to prevent and resolve conflicts, invest in multilateralism and build durable peace.

Only a strong European Union will be able to sustain its economic and social model by ensuring – in an effective and fair way – economic and food security, global competitiveness and the digital and green transition, as they will transform the way we live, produce, work and consume.

Let's stand for a European Union with ALL citizens at its heart, providing opportunities for everyone and enabling them to fulfil their potential and promote their active participation in civic life, and in national and European political processes.

Let’s stand for an enlarged European Union that enables us to live in a peaceful, open society, where the environment is protected, where each and every one of us is respected, and where a European identity with its multitude of cultures unites us.

As members of the European Economic and Social Committee, we are working together for an EU that delivers and more effectively meets the expectations and daily needs of its citizens, workers and businesses alike.

Let’s join forces and vote for a united, democratic, competitive, sustainable and social European Union.

Your vote matters.

Brussels, 20 March 2024.


Oliver Röpke

The president of the European Economic and Social Committee


