Upcoming events

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  • The Section for Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is working on an own-initiative opinion on Climate change and its impact on the economy, with the aim of developing a common narrative about the impact of climate change on the economy.

  • Climate migration is still seen as internal displacement rather than crossing borders. However, we can predict with some confidence that people arriving to the EU because of climate change or climate-induced disasters could become more and more frequent. How can the EU prepare for or anticipate this phenomenon?

  • The EESC is organising this public hearing to discuss how to enhance budget transparency through participatory budgeting in the EU.

  • Strengthening the European Semester to support reforms and investment in Member States in order to enhance competitive sustainability and growth

    With the revision of the EU economic governance framework, which is built around the European Semester, the latter has also been adapted and strengthened in its coordination of the economic, budgetary, employment and social policies of the Member States. From 2024, national medium-term fiscal structural plans will replace the former national reform programmes and stability/convergence programmes. These plans, which have to be submitted by 20 September, should detail the reforms and investment that countries intend to adopt in order to strengthen sustainable growth, and should address the main challenges (digital, green and social) identified in the context of the European Semester (and in particular the country-specific recommendations (CSRs). The EESC sees a number of opportunities in this review and calls in particular for greater transparency in the Semester, for appropriate involvement of organised civil society and for proper monitoring of the implementation of medium-term fiscal structural plans. 

  • Competitiveness and convergence: Can we ensure them both?  How civil society can contribute?"

    Convergence and competitiveness are key for the next EC mandate. Convergence via cohesion policy is developing constantly. Europe must become highly competitive compared to its counterparts and cohesion policy can help towards this direction. Civil society can be a catalyst in these twin challenges. Chambers, SMEs, businesses, universities, unions and NGOs need to make the transition and become more competitive, effective and productive. They will help the European economy and help eliminate economic and social disparities.

  • Workshop

    Convergence and competitiveness will be one of the key issues for the next Commission mandate. Convergence through cohesion policy is developing constantly even with low speed and competitiveness is also a challenge that Europe has to tackle effectively. Europe needs to become again highly competitive towards its counterparts and cohesion policy can help to achieve this. The role of civil society in these twin challenges can play catalytic role. Chambers, SMEs, businesses, universities, trade unions and NGOs will need to make the transition and become more competitive, more effective and productive. They will help the European economy and they will also contribute to the elimination of disparities.

  • The European Economic and Social Committee and the European Commission (DG Research & Innovation) jointly organise the conference "Radioactive Waste Management: A Civil Society Perspective" on 17 October 2024 from 9:30 to 17:30, in Brussels. Webstreaming will also be provided.

  • Five years of civil society perspectives

    The fifth EESC FRRL Group's annual conference will provide a platform for debate of the fifth EC rule of law report, and the final report of the 2018-2024 first cycle of FRRL Group country visits to all EU Member States (as well as the report on the 2023-2024 visits).

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    Enhancing the role of civil society in implementing the Pact on Migration and Asylum

    The European Migration Forum – the dialogue platform on migration, asylum and migrant integration - will meet for the nineth time on 28-29 November 2024.

    Participation in the Forum meeting is by invitation only - the call for interested organisations will be opened soon.