Towards a just transition legislative proposal and EU policy tools that enable a more social European Green Deal

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Key points


  • highlights the importance of the just transition in the EU in line with the strategic priorities and political guidelines of the European Commission for 2024-2029. The just transition will have a particular impact on the world of work, affecting sectors, regions, jobs and skills (including gender aspect, intergenerational aspect and vulnerable groups), welfare, cooperation between Member States, governance, business and enterprises (notably SMEs) and funding and investment;

  • emphasises the need for a comprehensive policy package for the world of work which integrates existing EU-level tools and gives sufficient leeway for Member States to adopt appropriate solutions at the national and regional levels;

  • calls for a just transition policy package for the world of work through anticipation and management of change, with social dialogue and collective bargaining as leading principles.

    This policy package should include measures such as:

    • conduct mapping of skills needs and strategies;

    • establish and implement appropriate skills development programmes;

    • establish meaningful and enforceable access to fully compensated training hours for all workers;

    • ensure that effective systems of participation and effective information and consultation of workers at company level are put in place in accordance with applicable rules;

    • integrate just transition initiatives in the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the European Semester;

    • create strong incentives for companies to:

      • prioritise the upskilling of current employees to fill skills gaps;

      • develop, publish and regularly update company transition plans;

      • and encourage increased apprenticeship and training levy contributions in accordance with national models to partially fund the training of workers at regional level;

  • recommends granular mapping activities to ensure awareness of the challenges and opportunities of the transition. The Just Transition Observatory, can lead the mapping of policies and best practices and support Member States with data and monitoring;

  • calls on the European Commission and Member States to ensure adequate funding by scaling up the Just Transition Fund and Social Climate Fund, and bolstering and linking other methods of funding such as adapting national tax systems and mobilising private finance for the transition.


  • NAT/933 _Record of proceedings