The Role of the Belarusian Independent Media in Fostering a Resilient and Democratising Society: Combatting Disinformation in the Context of Presidential "Elections" and war in Ukraine

In the framework of the Belarus Days, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), jointly with the European Endowment for Democracy (EED) and with the co-operation and expert support of the Belarus in Focus Information Office/ Press Club Belarus will organise a seminar on disinformation - The Role of the Belarusian Independent Media in Fostering a Resilient and Democratising Society: Combatting Disinformation in the Context of Presidential "Elections" and war in Ukraine.

The seminar will take place on 13 December 2024 and will bring together key media managers, journalists and media pundits from Belarus to understand the threats and countermeasures to domestic and Russian disinformation focused on crucial political and regional processes for Belarus. While society has been disengaging from pro-democracy groups in exile, carriers of reformist and transitional visions of Belarus and from anti-war messages, independent media experiences a growth in popularity and readership. The seminar will look at strategies that media can employ to educate and inform citizens regarding elections and political participation, but also withstand war-focused disinformation.

The workshop will be followed by the screening of Under the Grey Skyinspired by inspired by the story of Kaciaryna Andreeva and Ihar Iljash, and debate with the director of the film Mara Tamkovich.

You can register via the registration link by Thursday, 12 December EOB.