The Council can act either on its own initiative or on referral from the government when drawing up opinions or studies on issues that fall within its sphere.
Work is organised in accordance with the ESC's rules of procedure.
The Plenary Assembly decides whether a question submitted to the Council will be examined by the Plenary Assembly or referred to a committee. In the first instance, the matter will be discussed immediately and a rapporteur asked to prepare a draft opinion, which will be presented to the plenary assembly for discussion and a vote. Otherwise, a rapporteur appointed by a committee will submit a report and a draft opinion on its behalf, on which the Plenary Assembly will be asked to vote following a discussion.
Members may table amendments to draft opinions and studies submitted to the Plenary Assembly. The Plenary Assembly votes either by a show of hands, or by roll call. Plenary Assembly sessions are not open to the public. Minutes are drawn up for each session, and signed by the president and the secretary-general.
The opinions and studies are published. They are widely disseminated and can also be consulted on the ESC web site: