European Economic
and Social Committee
The EU-Japan Domestic Advisory Group
The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) entered into force on 1 February 2019. The Agreement includes a chapter on Trade and Sustainable Development (chapter 16), which comprises the EU's and Japan's commitments to promote labour rights, environmental protection and sustainable development, as defined by international instruments such as ILO Conventions and multilateral environmental agreements, including the Paris Agreement. It also covers areas such as corporate social responsibility, biological diversity, sustainable forestry and sustainable use of fisheries resources and aquaculture.
The Trade and Sustainable Development chapter also provides for the establishment by each Party of Domestic Advisory Groups (DAG), composed of representatives of civil society organisations.
The EU DAG under the EU-Japan EPA comprises members from the European Economic and Social Committee and other European civil society organisations, ensuring a balanced representation of independent economic, social and environmental stakeholders, including among others, employers' and workers' organisations and environmental groups.
The primary purpose of the EU DAG is to submit opinions and make recommendations on the implementation of the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter within the EU-Japan EPA.
EU Japan Desk Study
Rules of procedures EU-Japan Domestic Advisory Group (Word version)
Rules of procedures EU-Japan Domestic Advisory Group (pdf version)