Ensuring a needs-based work-life balance for all: How adequate flexible working conditions can support intergenerational solidarity and the empowerment of women

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This opinion explores the imperative of ensuring a needs-based work-life balance for all individuals, with a particular focus on supporting women and promoting intergenerational solidarity in the EU context. Drawing on Principle 9 of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the 2019 Work-Life Balance Directive, the opinion underscores the significance of flexible working conditions and family-friendly policies. It highlights the need for comprehensive evaluation and assessment of existing policies to ensure they effectively support individuals, particularly women with caregiving responsibilities, without compromising their employment and social security rights. Furthermore, it emphasises the importance of identifying and promoting exemplary workplace practices that foster inclusivity and work-life balance, as well as advocating for collaboration between stakeholders to facilitate knowledge sharing and adoption of effective strategies across the EU.