Young women have the floor and talk about European elections 2024, why vote?

The EESC event "Connecting EU" 2023 seminar, dedicated to the upcoming European elections, took place in Bratislava, Slovakia on 23-24 November 2023 and ensured a large presence of women's participation.

Especially the panel focused on young people: "Pitching for the future: how to turn out young people?" included a presentation by Federica Bellato, Benedetta, Coraglia, Carolina Guerra and Allegra Semenzato of the 2022 EU Future Initiative winning project: “This time I’ve voted, but am I represented?”, addressing the underrepresentation of young Europeans through the adoption of youth quotas.

The success of the election information campaign will depend on the message, the language used during the campaign, which should be concrete, clear and rich in examples. Young people will take part in elections if they feel that this subject is of their concern.

The young students stressed that it is important to get the message across that "80% per cent of European law is in national legislation and participating in elections, electing your representatives to the Parliament will have an impact on your everyday life, including the legislation adopted by the European Parliament".

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