The 2024 ECI Day served as a powerful reminder of both the potential and the limitations of the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI). While celebrating the successes of past initiatives in raising awareness and sparking public debates, the discussions also laid bare the frustrations regarding the need for better responsiveness and follow-up from the EU institutions.

Key takeaways from the ECI day:

  • Beyond the Suggestion Box.  Successful ECIs should automatically result in substantive action from the Commission, including concrete responses and, where appropriate, legislative proposals. This would ensure their direct influence on EU law, fostering a more meaningful dialogue between citizens and institutions.
  • Stronger partnerships. Collaboration is key. Amplifying citizen voices requires strategic collaboration between organizers, civil society, media outlets and public partners.
  • Continuous improvement. The ECI framework is constantly evolving. By harnessing best practices and fostering knowledge-sharing among stakeholders, we can strengthen the ECI process and empower even more citizens to participate actively.

The ECI enables citizens to ask the EU to take action and propose a new law on a particular issue. When an initiative has reached 1 million signatures, the Commission decides what action to take. (gb)