Feeling there was still room for innovation and new approaches to mental health, the Finnish Lilinkoti Foundation developed The World of Recovery (TWoR) games – one played online and the other around a table. Both are role-playing games that require players to step into the shoes of a given character. Set in a futuristic world of hope, they promote the player’s journey to recovery, targeting those recovering from mental health and substance abuse problems, but also professionals. Lilinkotis representatives Reetta Sedergren and Venla Leimu told us that games have a huge potential to improve mental health, however, this potential remains largely untapped. 

What prompted you to start your project? 

Some years ago, we at Lilinkoti foundation felt there was plenty of space for innovation and new approaches in the field of mental health recovery. Spread of recovery orientation was a huge step forward for the field, but modern, innovative tools to implement it were somewhat lacking. Our organisation had worked with people recovering from mental health problems for decades, and we had a dream: what if there was a modern tool to boost mental health – a digital game you play as a character? 

How was your project received? Did you have any feedback from the people you helped?   

The World of Recovery games were co-developed with people recovering from mental health problems and with professionals, so the feedback was constant throughout the game design process, guiding it towards the end result. 

We received overwhelmingly positive anonymous and personal feedback from the players of both games. For example, more than 90% of responders said that the mobile game boosted their well-being and helped them to get active, while the role-playing game helped them with their social skills.  

Perhaps the best feedback was the laughter and the conversations about feelings, challenges and strengths, and the way that these games brought the players together, regardless of their roles and background. 

What advice would you give to other organisations in terms of achieving results with such activities and programmes

There are many benefits to being on the frontlines of innovation. It is truly inspiring and you are doing something new. Embrace it, don’t try to fit into any box. Follow your instinct, be curious to listen to everybody’s opinions. More than anything, involve people who are recovering and experts by experience in the design process. If you are making games, be prepared to tackle lots of prejudices from professionals. It is common in the field of mental health that games in general are considered addictive or harmful. Don’t be discouraged! Be bold, be creative and dare to dream. 

What is the potential of computer and video games for improving mental health? In your opinion, should they be used more in the treatment of mental health issues? 

The potential of computer and video games – and specifically role-playing games – for improving mental health is huge. As an alarming number of people suffer from mental health issues, we need new, versatile ways to improve mental health. It is a shame that the potential of games has not been explored further. This is not for lack of interest but for lack of sufficient funding. There is no fast and easy way to develop good games to improve mental health. We need more funding, more co-developed projects and more mental health and game industry professionals working towards this goal. And we need research, lots of research.