Giuliano Poletti, Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Italy

Giuliano Poletti was born in Imola, on November 19th, 1951. After graduating as an agronomist, in his youth, he worked as an agricultural technician. In 1975 was elected city councillor for the city of Imola. Later he held the position of Councillor for Productive Activities and member of the provincial council of Bologna. In addition to his political – administrative commitments, he maintained a professional activity as president of ESAVE (the body for Studies and Promotion of Viticulture and Enology of the Emilia Romagna region). Elected president of Legacoop of Imola on 1989, he left this charge in September 2000 to become the Regional President and National Vice President of the said organization. From 1992 to 2000 he was also chairman of EPHESUS, the training branch of Legacoop in the Emilia Romagna region. Before his nomination as Minister of Labour and Social Policies in 2014, he has been President of the National Legacoop, President of Coopfond (the Fund for the cooperative promotion of Legacoop) and President of the Alliance of the Cooperatives, the national coordination body consisting of the cooperative representative organizations AGCI, Confcooperative and Legacoop.