Joint Seminar of the Central Council of the Economy (CCE), the National Labour Council (CNT) and the EESC

A few days after the European Parliament elections, in a new political and institutional environment, the EESC is organising in cooperation with the Central Council of the Economy (CCE) and the National Labour Council (CNT) of Belgium a joint Seminar on: 'Transitions towards a digital, green, just and competitive Europe: the role of social and civil dialogue.' This seminar will be held on 20 June 2024 and be open to the public.

Faced with a range of critical external and internal challenges, the EU has embarked on a new sustainable growth strategy. The seminar will take stock of the obstacles to a transition towards a competitive, just and low-carbon economy. It will also give voice to a variety of actors of social and civil dialogue in the EU, representatives of EU and national institutions, academia and research institutes to assess how they could - in a joint effort - support the implementation of public policies, and particularly the twin transition, through the establishment of genuine social and civil dialogue.