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  • Adopted on 23/03/2022 - Bureau decision date: 07/12/2021
    Workers - GR II
    EESC opinion: European Single Access Point (ESAP)
  • Adopted on 23/03/2022 - Bureau decision date: 07/12/2021
    Employers - GR I

    The EESC welcomes the implementation of the remaining elements of the international standards agreed by the Basel Committee for Banking Supervision, from the perspective of both timing and substance, as they are meant to enhance the stability of the financial market in the EU, and thus not to expose European citizens to increased financial market risks. The EESC also stresses that financial market stability is a crucial prerequisite for overall economic stability, whereas the sound regulation and surveillance of the banking sector is essential in order to prevent the threat of turbulences and crisis.

    EESC opinion: Banking Package 2021
  • Adopted on 23/02/2022 - Bureau decision date: 19/10/2021
    Workers - GR II
    EESC opinion: Annual Sustainable Growth Survey 2022
  • Adopted on 23/02/2022 - Bureau decision date: 08/06/2021
    Employers - GR I

    The EESC welcomes the Commission initiative for the strategy on business taxation in the 21st century. The EESC strongly supports and appreciates the fact that the Commission is aligning its work with the international discussions and agreements and encourages the Commission to pursue its Action Plan for Fair and Simple Taxation Supporting the Recovery Strategy. The EESC is calling for uniform and globally concerted and coordinated implementation of Pillars 1 and 2 of the OECD agreement.

    EESC opinion: Business Taxation for the 21st Century
  • Adopted on 19/01/2022 - Bureau decision date: 19/10/2021
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    EESC opinion: Euro area economic policy 2022
  • Adopted on 08/12/2021 - Bureau decision date: 08/06/2021
    Workers - GR II

    The EESC strongly supports the goal of redirecting investments in such a way that they contribute to the EU's transition to a sustainable economy but calls for the social partners and civil society to be brought better on board in the design and implementation of sustainable finance. The EU green bond standard has the potential to yield significant economic benefits for both issuers and investors alike and help the green transition.

    EESC opinion: EU green bond standard
    Proposal for Regulation on European green bonds
  • Adopted on 08/12/2021 - Bureau decision date: 08/06/2021
    Workers - GR II
    Employers - GR I

    The EESC strongly supports the goal of redirecting investments in such a way that they contribute to the EU's transition to a sustainable economy but calls for the social partners and civil society to be brought better on board in the design and implementation of sustainable finance. The EU green bond standard has the potential to yield significant economic benefits for both issuers and investors alike and help the green transition.

    EESC opinion: Renewed sustainable finance strategy
    Presentation SF Strategy - Sustainable Finance package - EESC informal meeting_24.08.2021
    Presentation from DG Fisma : Strategy for Financing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy
  • Adopted on 08/12/2021 - Bureau decision date: 25/03/2021
    Workers - GR II

    The EESC believes that an economic transition from a model driven by growth to one predicated on sustainability is inevitable. Given the sheer complexity of and the huge challenges posed by this transition, the proposals for new indicators set out in this opinion are only one example of approaches that could be taken when it comes to tools for measuring the social, economic and environmental situation. A concise "Beyond GDP" scoreboard should be designed and incorporated into the European Green Deal scoreboard and the European economic governance process. Indicators that look beyond GDP must be able to do more than merely monitor and measure: they must inform policy development, improve communication and promote target setting.

    EESC opinion: Beyond GDP measures for a successful recovery and a sustainable and resilient EU economy (Own-initiative opinion)
  • Adopted on 20/10/2021 - Bureau decision date: 21/09/2021
    EESC opinion: PRIIPs - extension of transitional arrangements
  • Adopted on 20/10/2021 - Bureau decision date: 26/04/2021
    Employers - GR I
    EESC opinion: Euro area economic policy 2021 (additional opinion)