The highlights of the music show "There, out of sight", which paid tribute to Ukrainians' fight for democracy and freedom, were captured on video and are now available to watch on the EESC's website.

The show, which was performed by the Polish acting company Theatre Navpaky, celebrated the heroism of ordinary Ukrainians through songs telling their stories. The performance featured a compilation of nine songs about young people facing different life experiences in a setting that mirrored events in war-torn Ukraine.

The idea behind the performance was to show that people who bravely fight for their freedom are not majestic bronze statues, but ordinary people made of flesh and blood, with their own lives, joys and dilemmas.

The show was performed during the closing session of this year's "Your Europe, Your Say!", the EESC's annual youth event, on 24 March. The songs were sung in Ukrainian with English subtitles.

Through this initiative, the EESC wished to emphasise how important it is to listen to young people and also to express the Committee's support and solidarity towards the people of Ukraine in these harrowing times.

Watch the video (dm)