L-attivitajiet professjonali ta’ eks uffiċjali għolja tal-KESE wara t-tluq mis-servizz

Meta l-uffiċjali għolja jħallu l-Kumitat Ekonomiku u Soċjali Ewropew, huma normalment ma jitħallewx iwettqu attivitajiet ta’ lobbying jew promozzjoni fir-rigward tal-eks-kollegi tagħhom matul perjodu ta’ tnax-il xahar. Il-KESE jsegwi l-attivitajiet esterni mwettqa minn eks uffiċjali għolja tiegħu u kull sena jippubblika rapport dwar dan il-monitoraġġ.


(L-Artikoli 16(3) u (4) tar-Regolamenti tal-Persunal)


Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service 2023
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service 2022
Occupational activities of former seniors offcials of the EESC after leaving the service 2021
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service 2020
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service 2019
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service - 2018
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service - 2017
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service - 2016
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service - 2015
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service - 2014