
  • As COP16 of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) draws near, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is calling on the global community to place biodiversity at the forefront of international efforts. Biodiversity—the vast variety of life on Earth—is not an abstract concept, but the foundation of ecosystems, human well-being, and economic stability. The EESC highlighted the urgency of this issue in an own-initiative opinion adopted at its September plenary session.

  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), has adopted an opinion supporting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the open labour market, calling for the promotion of measures and policies (including the setup of a joint fund between Member States) that would buttress these efforts.

  • In a meeting and a joint press point at the European Parliament today, 19 September, Prime Minister Edi Rama of Albania and EESC President Oliver Röpke reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening cooperation between Albania and the European Union, with a focus on the role of civil society.

  • European Parliament - Józef Antall building – JAN4Q2 –Anna Lindh room

    18 September, 3 p.m. -> 7:00 p.m. | 19 September, 9.00 a.m. -> 1 p.m.

    Watch the plenary session - Agenda

  • From the 10 to 11 September, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) President Oliver Röpke led a delegation to Albania to participate in the Tirana Connectivity Forum 2024 (TCF) and engage in high-level meetings with Albanian stakeholders. The visit is part of the EESC’s ongoing efforts to support Albania’s EU integration process, particularly through preparations for the EU-Albania Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee (JCC).

  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has renewed its call for a dedicated ‘EU Blue Deal’ in the form of a new opinion on water resilience and industrial development, adopted just ahead of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s announcement of a Water Resilience Strategy. Europe’s industrial future hinges on water, and a recent Eurobarometer reveals Europeans overwhelmingly support stronger action on water issues.

  • The EESC has always been at the forefront of promoting sport as a positive force for nurturing healthy values across all sections of society. The Committee has previously promoted cycling and, most recently, has advocated a focus on sport in the efforts to recover from the COVID‑19 pandemic, highlighting the role it can play in building a more resilient and sustainable society.

  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) takes the initiative to endorse the values enshrined in the 2024 Games in Paris, from the civil society perspective.

  • The recent IT outage caused chaos for transport and businesses all over the world, and showed just how important it is not to be overly dependent on technology. The advantages of the transition to digital energy must not overshadow the other side of the coin: risks and challenges. Protecting consumers and supporting workers must remain high on the agenda.

  • Five years after its creation, the European Commission’s annual Rule of Law Report has become a cornerstone of the EU’s response to the serious challenges Member States face in the area of justice, media pluralism and freedom, anti-corruption, and checks and balances. The EESC president and the Fundamental Rights and Rule of Law (FRRL) Group presidency reiterate the EESC’s full backing for this tool, but also highlight potential improvements that could make it more inclusive and efficient.