
  • Image public hearing Decent minimum wages
    Virtual public hearing

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is organising a remote public hearing on "Decent minimum wages across Europe" on Thursday 25 June 2020 with the participation of Commissioner Schmit.

  • Quel est le rĂ´le de l'UE par rapport Ă  son continent frère, l'Afrique face Ă  la pandĂ©mie de COVID19 ? Le prĂ©sident  Luca Jahier a tenu un webinaire le 24 juin 2020 avec Irène Mingasson, Ambassadrice de l'UE au SĂ©nĂ©gal, Aminata TourĂ©, PrĂ©sidente du Conseil Economique Social et Environnemental (CESE) du SĂ©nĂ©gal et Ahmed Reda Chami, PrĂ©sident du Conseil Ă©conomique, social et environnemental (CESE) et de l’Union des conseils Ă©conomiques et sociaux et institutions similaires d’Afrique (UCESA).

  • EESC SDO Webinar

    The webinar will serve to reflect on the building blocks for a new structured approach to youth engagement in climate and sustainability policies at EU level. The discussion will feed into the EESC Own-initiative opinion on "Towards structured youth engagement on climate and sustainability".  â–ş Watch again  

  • EESC SDO Webinar

    The webinar is organised to provide input into the preparation of an EESC own-initiative opinion on "Towards an EU strategy on sustainable consumption". The opinion will contribute to the reflection on post-crisis recovery by providing concrete recommendations for a comprehensive strategy on sustainable consumption, as part of the European Green Deal. â–ş Watch again

  • EESC SDO Webinar

    The webinar will serve to bring the concept of wellbeing economy to the debate in the EU. By presenting several perspectives, it will contribute to the debate on the post-COVID recovery and reconstruction at the level of the EESC. â–ş Watch again

  • The Coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc European and global health systems and economies. Stemming the tide has severely impacted all EU member states, even though with different magnitudes.

  • Covid-19 is a game-changer for migration, affecting the lives of migrants and asylum seekers across Europe, while pointing to structural weaknesses in the EU’s policies.

  • Which world do we want after COVID-19? Making Europe safe, based on a vision deeply rooted in the European tradition of "caring." Is this the route to a possible new rEUnaissance?

  • In the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, what is the EU's role in relation to its sister continent Africa? The President of the European Economic and Social Committee Luca Jahier held a webinar on Wednesday 29th April to discuss the impact of COVID-19 to the new EU-Africa Strategy and the latest developments at EU and African level on COVID-19 ongoing crisis.